Retinal Imaging
Retinal Imagining is a digital image of your retina and blood vessels, as well as the optic nerve located in the back of your eye. This technology can help our doctors diagnose:
- Macular degeneration
- Ocular cancers
- Glacoma
- Retinal detachment
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Hypertensive retinopathy
- And other ocular health problems
It is fast, painless, and comfortable. Nothing touches your eye at any time. It is suitable for the whole family. To have the exam, you simply look at the device one eye at a time and you will see a comfortable flash of light to let you know the image of your retina has been taken. Under normal circumstances, dilation drops might not be necessary, but our doctors will decide if your pupils need to be dilated depending on your conditions. The capture takes less than a second.
Our office uses the optomap ultra-widefield retinal image unique technology. Optomap captures more than 80% of your retina in one panoramic image while traditional imaging method typically only show 15% of your retina at one time. The optomap image can be saved for future comparisons.
- Early protection from vision impairment or blindness
- Early detection of life-threatening diseases like cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.
Ask about the Retinal Imaging at your next comprehensive eye health exam. Many insurances do not cover the digital retinal imaging and therefore additional fees may apply.